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Our Team. 

We are driven to produce global guidelines for butterfly monitoring, which contain the latest key butterfly monitoring protocols. These guidelines are intended to stimulate synchronisation of existing butterfly monitoring schemes and facilitate establishment of new butterfly monitoring schemes in gap areas, especially in the tropics.

The synthesis of all harmonious butterfly monitoring schemes would create conditions for development of a Global Butterfly Indicator. The indicator will follow butterflies trends to assess the state of and pressures to biodiversity, which will guide and inform conservation action to benefit butterfly conservation.


Dr. Eugenie Regan

The Biodiversity Consultancy 

Dr. Chris van Swaay

Dutch Butterfly Conservation | de Vlinderstichting 

Dr. Miguel Alejandro Fernández 

German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv)

Dr. Ádám Körösi  

Eötvös Loránd University


Prof. Les Underhill

Emeritus Professor at the University of Cape Town

Reinier Terblanche

Biodiversity and Habitat Specialist at Anthene Ecological

Szabolcs Sáfián

Chair of Butterfly Conservation Ghana


Chooi-Khim Phon

Forest Research Institute Malaysia

Central America

Jan Meerman 

Biodiversity in Belize



Middle East

Dr. Guy Pe'er

Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ Department of Conservation Biology

North America

Dr. Doug Taron

The Chicago Academy of Sciences and its Peggy Notebaert Nature Museum

John Shuey

The Nature Conservancy


Legi Sam

Griffith University Australia

South America

Dr. Onildo João Marini Filho

Instituto Chico Mendes de Conservação da Biodiversidade – ICMBio

Dr. Blanca Huertas

Natural History Museum, London

Dr. Marcio Uehara-Prado

Neotropical Institute: Research and Conservation

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